In celebration of National Dog Day on August 26, 2024, the Academy is spotlighting NAS member Elaine Ostrander, NIH ...
My laboratory has been identifying genes that contribute to development of vascular disease in humans and determining how these mutations alter normal physiology to result in clinical disease. Many of ...
Jane Richardson and her husband David have worked together for over 50 years on research to understand the 3D structure of protein and RNA molecules. They were early pioneers in protein ...
Elaine Ostrander is a geneticist recognized for her work on advancing the dog as a genetic system for studies of morphology, ...
Signal transduction and gene transcription in immune and other cell types; Mechanisms of store-operated calcium entry; Mechanisms of action of immunosuppressive drugs; Transcriptional mechanisms ...
Her research concerns elementary particles and fundamental forces and has involved the development and study of a wide variety of models, the most recent involving extra dimensions of space. She has ...
Barry Beaty is a University Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology of Colorado State University. Dr. Beaty is a virologist recognized for his ...
Nicholas Read is a theoretical condensed matter physicist known for his work on strongly correlated and topological phases of matter, especially in the fractional quantum Hall effect, including the ...
Emily S. Bernhardt, PhD, is James B. Duke Distinguished Professor and current Chair of the Department of Biology at Duke University. She earned her B.S. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel ...
As an electrical engineer who has worked in the field of signal processing for over thirty years, I have conducted research in a wide range of areas of speech and image processing. My PhD research at ...
Andreas J. Bäumler, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at the University of California Davis School of Medicine. He ...
My research is in the areas of climate and biogeochemistry. For the last two decades my colleagues and I have measured variations in the concentration of oxygen and its isotopic composition to ...