Erdogan is seeking authorisation for troop deployment to Somali territorial waters as Ankara set to conduct maritime ...
The top US commander in the Middle East warned Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin that the US’s operations against Houthi ...
Western leaders can no longer pretend to ignore what is actually happening on the ground in occupied Palestine ...
Lord Polak said David Cameron encouraged him to ‘stand up for Israel’ in parliament at the time of his appointment ...
Sportswear company accused of racism after apologising for ‘upset’ over hiring of Palestinian supermodel for relaunch of 1972 ...
Sportswear company accused of racism after apologising for ‘upset’ over hiring of Palestinian supermodel for relaunch of 1972 ...
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sets up call between two leaders, as Sudanese army continues to accuse UAE of arming and ...
Top UN court issues non-binding advisory opinion on consequences of Israeli occupation following request by the UN General ...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is set to issue an advisory opinion on Friday regarding the legal consequences of ...
Zionism is a political ideology, not a religious or ethnic identity. The egregious, false equivalence between it and Judaism ...
Zionism is a racist political ideology, not a religious or ethnic identity. The egregious, false equivalence between it and ...
A British fashion and lifestyle magazine found itself in the middle of a social media storm after introducing an AI with an ...