Over 6,000 animals, fungi and plants at risk of extinction are threatened by climate change and severe weather on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, across every region of the world. The Red ...
With more than twenty representatives from various organisations joining, the event also served as a timely opportunity to celebrate IUCN’s 75th anniversary. As a culmination of its stakeholder ...
In March 2016, the failure of the Fundão Dam killed 19 people, destroyed villages, and spread mud along 670 km of the Rio Doce basin in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. A ...
Poaching is a major threat to elephants in Asia, although reliable estimates of the number of elephants killed and the quantities of ivory and other body parts collected and traded are scarce. The ...
In transboundary mountain ecosystems across Nepal, Bhutan, Peru, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda, IUCN and partners have worked from 2017 - 2022 to implement ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to ...
Tarantulas and the common-orb-weaver, represent two of the more recognizable suborders of spiders (mygalomorphs and araneomorphs respectively), but there is a third suborder that is basal to these two ...
The Talaud Bear Cuscus (Ailurops melanotis) is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and protected under Indonesian law. The species’ geographic distribution is ...
Mangrove forests are vital ecosystems that provide a wide range of benefits, from protecting coastlines against erosion and storm surges to serving as nurseries for marine life. They are also ...
After years of dedicated marine protection efforts, Churna Island has finally been designated as the second Marine Protected Area (MPA) by the Government of Balochistan. This long-awaited decision ...
Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMA) have emerged as a promising model that address challenges faced in marine conservation in the Western Indian Ocean region. Their community-led approach has been ...
Guests at Le Tonle stir from their sleep to the gentle hum of boats along the tranquil Mekong River. With a view of the river melting into the horizon and a menu that celebrates the local catch, Le ...
The 2nd National Symposium for Community-Led Initiatives on Environment Sustainability is set to take place from September 10 to 12, 2024 (September 10 at the Albert Park and from September 11 to 12, ...