Generosity is an attitude of gladly sharing whatever we might have, regardless of our wealth. Scripture reveals that openhanded lavishness is an attribute of God (Deut. 28:12). And as part of His ...
Nehemiah demonstrates the power of prayer. As a servant to the king of Persia, he had no right to request leave to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, much less to requisition materials and protection. Yet ...
Ruth’s remarkable loyalty is what earned her a place in both the Bible and the lineage of Jesus (Matt. 1:1-5). Ruth is an example of faithfulness—she willingly adjusted her own life to meet the needs ...
The Christian life isn’t free of responsibilities. God’s Word is filled with His instructions about how to treat people in our various circles and ways to enrich those relationships by giving of ...
Salvation refers to the freedom gained when God rescues someone from bondage to sin and makes that person part of His family. It is a deliverance accomplished only through Jesus, who died in our place ...
Some believers like to portray their life as ideal and carefree. But in reality, being a Christian isn’t easy. In fact, sometimes we’ll experience trials that truly test our faith and ability to trust ...
The world’s definition of comfort is the alleviation of suffering or despair. However, God has a different view: It’s a teaching tool. Because we mature spiritually when we exercise faith, our Father ...
Does this sound familiar? Determined to spend more time in prayer, you kneel, open your mouth to speak to the Lord, and—draw a blank. Sure, you manage a few words about what you need Him to do for you ...
Following the Last Supper, Jesus took time to teach the disciples more about His mission and what would happen after He left the earth. He knew their darkest times were ahead. So in today’s passage, ...
And what does it look like to be glorified? If the answers were based solely on earthly values, we might expect domination through power and position would be the best way to achieve both. But when ...
If you’ve ever had to carry luggage while running to catch a flight or the bus, you know how difficult and exhausting it can be. Have you considered that the same could be said about carrying baggage ...
It’s our hope today that you’re in a season of abounding joy. But we know that might not always be the case. The troubles of life can easily undermine our joy and rob us of our peace. For those ...