A longer version of this piece, “National Security and the Next Four Years,” will appear in the Fall 2024 issue of Orbis.
The Overheard podcast discusses Russian political warfare operations and objectives in Georgia and Moldova with the people ...
There is little documented mapping of conflict prior to the Renaissance period, but, from the 17th century onward, military commanders and strategists began to document the wars in which they were ...
The Foreign Policy Research Institute is dedicated to producing the highest quality scholarship and nonpartisan policy analysis focused on crucial foreign policy and national security challenges ...
In the late 1970s, the United States often seemed to be a superpower in decline. Battered by crises and setbacks around the globe, its post–World War II international leadership appeared to be ...
Over the last decade, the U.S., UK Israel and other states have begun to use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for military operations and for targeted killings in places like Pakistan, Yemen and ...
Chris Seiple was a Senior Fellow with FPRI’s Program on National Security. He is President Emeritus of the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE). The Foreign Policy Research Institute is dedicated to ...
This Handbook breaks new ground by addressing global security through the lens of religion and examining the role religion plays in both war and peace. In recent years there has been a considerable ...
This book examines Western efforts at democracy promotion, reactions by illiberal challengers and regional powers, and political and societal conditions in target states. It is argued that Western ...
The first serious book to examine what happens when the ancient boundary between war and peace is erased. Once, war was a temporary state of affairs—a violent but brief interlude between times of ...