Scientists, pilots and even a Jesuit priest have tried over decades to understand some of the most ferocious storms on Earth.
The California Geologic Energy Management Division was trying to fulfill terms of a wetlands restoration deal, a spokesperson ...
States are expected to collect less revenue from gasoline taxes as more residents buy electric vehicles and fuel-efficient ...
The Senate will release its first fiscal 2025 bills this week. House appropriators will mark up six bills, including Interior ...
The post came as Democrats and President Joe Biden’s campaign ramp up efforts to highlight and denounce the ideas in Project ...
But more than a fifth of the group’s 27 board members — including Cisco Systems CEO Chuck Robbins, the chair of the Business ...
Jill Stein says the Inflation Reduction Act and Biden's policies need greater scrutiny for support of fossil fuels.
Senators will question Shannon Estenoz this week. The hearing may reveal whether she has a chance of getting confirmed.
They found that property insurance premiums have increased a whopping 33 percent on average since 2020 — and that they will ...
The federal government should "face the logical and legal consequences of its policy actions," said Alaska's top attorney.
House Republicans are once again targeting the Department of Energy’s efficiency standards on home appliances, setting up ...
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will hold a hearing Wednesday with Permitting Council ...