We are what we eat. But what exactly do we eat? Everything seems very nice when we buy those packages of products with cheerful country images and lots of green, but the reality hidden behind that ...
Have you stopped to think about the amount of foods and dishes that contain eggs? This food is perhaps the most versatile of all those we have in our kitchen and that is why it is present in countless ...
The world of investments has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven largely by technological advances. From process automation to the emergence of new training platforms such as ...
The kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering and removing waste and excess fluid from the body through urine. They also play a crucial role in the balance of electrolytes, such as potassium, ...
Global pollution is one of the greatest environmental challenges facing humanity in the 10st century. Various agents and human activities contribute to the pollution of the atmosphere, soil, water and ...
In a world increasingly aware of sustainability and environmental care, recycling organic waste at home has become an essential practice to reduce environmental impact. However, many times we limit ...
The laurel or lauro (Laurus nobilis), a plant native to the Mediterranean region. It has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times: Hindus associated its leaves with the goddess Vishnu and ...
Today, investment not only focuses on financial profitability, but also on the impact that investment decisions have on the environment and society. This trend towards conscious investing has given ...
In the darkness of the forest or in the depths of caves, where sunlight does not reach, a fascinating phenomenon illuminates the environment: luminescent mushrooms. These organisms, which seem ...
The global impact of climate change on sea level rise is a topic of growing concern. A recent study by a team of researchers from several scientific institutions in the US, led by Ohio State ...
In a surprising and revolutionary turn in the field of astrophysics, scientists have discovered water on planets in greater quantities than previously thought. This finding not only redefines our ...
Pruning fruit trees is one of the most important practices in gardening and agriculture, as it improves the health of trees, increases fruit production and shapes plants to facilitate their management ...