Autumn is the perfect time for making fruit crumbles, and they must be one of the easiest hot puddings ever to make, so there ...
For roast pork, you can also follow the fast-roast method. Fast-Roast Pork with Rosemary and Caramelised Apples can be ...
Hello I've made the blueberry muffin cake twice now and it's not risen at all, I've thrown away the baking powder I used, even though it's within the use by date. Any other ideas why it isn't rising?
Hello Lindsey, I was wondering if it’s possible to make Delia’s roasted red peppers stuffed with fennel the day before they’re required. Many thanks.
Hi Lindsay, I have tried to make the blueberry muffin cake and it seems overdone, our oven might get hotter than it should. Any ideas on what temperature and how long to cook for next time? Many thank ...
I’m in the middle of making Dowerhouse chutney and have just read a question on the site from someone with the same problem as I have. It is bubbling away but showing no signs of thickening. (I’ve ...
I love the techniques section on Freezing , thank you. I'm a little unsure about how to defrost brownies for e.g. I've wrapped in cling film and put into a sealed bag as the techniques section showed ...
Sorry, I’m being a bit of a pest lately, but I have a couple of queries about the sticky gingerbread puddings. Firstly, is there a way of preventing the molasses ...
I was looking at the easy as apple pie recipe and the crumble recipe - are these suitable for putting into smaller dishes, for individual servings, rather than the large dishes suggested? Would ...
On Delias recipie for Dauphonios potatoes.
Can I ask how many grams is one level dessertspoon? I'm making Delia's Rhubarb and orange muffins.
Our reading list of titles this month will keep you hooked with every page you turn so dive in and select your next best-seller and you could be the lucky winner of our 5-book bundle. Will you choose ...