Over the last few decades in life, culture and sport we have seen subtle changes that we wish we could change. This gentle erosion of the fabric of life is slowly stretching into all of the corners of ...
The Anglican Archbishop of Polynesia, the Most Reverend Doctor Winston Halapua, has this morning reiterated the urgency of the G20 nations tackling the issue of climate change. Archbishop Halapua, ...
One by one, speakers eloquently, but with much sincerity and humor, recalled the humble, intellectual giant of the evangelical community who astounded and touched Christians around the world with his ...
The title of my piece this month comes from the mouth of Saint Francis of Assisi (1182 - 1226). I have spent the last few weeks reflecting on my journey this year. New town, new job, new students, new ...
The two largest reformed church bodies officially merged on Friday to become the World Communion of Reformed Churches, representing more than 80 million Christians. Hundreds of delegates from ...
There are times in all of our lives when tragedy strikes, a trauma or crisis occurs and unrest attacks us at every angle – there seem to be no answers and we are at a total loss. There have been many ...
World renowned worship leader Darlene Zschech has announced her move with husband Mark Zschech to take up position of Senior Pastors at Church Unlimited, Central Coast NSW, officially starting in late ...
Though rain threatened to put a damper on the demonstration, the 6th Annual Walk for Life West Coast still drew a massive crowd that, after an hourlong rally, marched from the Justin Herman Plaza in ...
Christian Today Australian recently caught up with John Mallison to share his wide experience in mentoring and small groups based on his personal experience. He is a lecturer, consultant and a trainer ...
The upcoming movie "The Ledge" has been labelled anti-Christian due to its negative portrayal of Christianity and favourable view of atheism. But according to its protagonist, Liv Tyler, the movie isn ...
Exuberant Christian artist Kat Krick has put a new genre in the Christian music scene. By mixing dance beats and adding them skillfully with Christian lyrics, Kat Krick created what could very be well ...
The Press Service International (PSI) "young writer" program with Christian Today has seen some major leadership developments for this new year and it is a joy to my heart to see such. These new roles ...