Californian scientists have followed academics in unionising for better conditions and negotiated better pay and conditions ...
Biotech startups and spinouts must overcome numerous challenges to get from lab to market. A new UK innovation hub aims to ...
A lightweight material that adsorbs high volumes of hydrogen could represent a promising new class of energy storage system.
High-intensity ultrasound initiates formal retro-[2+2] cycloaddition by stretching a benzocyclobutene core from strategically placed anchor points ...
ICI attributed the cause of the fire to a diesel high-lift truck whose engine became filled with leaked cyclohexane. The ...
Henninger remained in Wurtz’s lab and was rapidly promoted to a series of faculty positions in Paris. But his health was poor ...
While more researchers are adopting open access, open data, open peer review and open projects, some significant barriers are ...
Electrons play a far more significant role than photons in creating molecules that might have kick-started life on Earth ...
Ladyman and Ross believe that the reason for this obscurity lies in how philosophers perceive the role of science in ...
India’s federal government banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of 156 fixed dose combination (FDC) drugs for a ...
Unpublished data reveals that phosphine - a potential marker of life - is likely present although could be a result of ...
Many individuals with a scientific background, such as Kiefer, have found their calling in communications. A career in the ...