An organizational feat, the annual Middle Eastern Food Festival at Holy Transfiguration Melkite Greek Catholic Church in ...
Pope Francis will embark on an 11-day trip Sept. 2 that will bring him to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste (East ...
The legacy of St. Louis is rooted in the parish’s missionary spirit, going back to its founding pastor, Father O’Hare said.
Amid the culture wars, one girl scouting group endorsed by an archbishop this month is staying “true to its founding ...
People often ask why I decided to start a school. I wish I could say I had a vision of educating our youths in the fullness ...
It’s not every day that you see a Catholic priest working in the kitchen of a restaurant, but Father Leo Patalinghug isn’t ...
Last week, my husband and I drove from our home in New England to Virginia.
After working as a page in the U.S. Senate this summer, Reagan Kaleta has a message for all Americans who love their country ...
As the director of religious education at Our Lady of Hope Church in Potomac Falls, Jackie Regan knows the importance of ...
I’m at 35,000 feet where, thanks to the miracle of modern satellite technology, I am able to do something I rarely do — watch ...
The Basilica of St. Mary, originally founded as St. Mary Church in 1795, is the oldest parish in the diocese. Predating both ...
Officials with the diocesan schools office are forecasting a fourth consecutive year of enrollment growth at Catholic schools ...