True to the merit-free canons of DEI hiring, Biden selected Harris as his running mate in August to check that identity box, ...
The fact is Joe Biden isn’t senile to the point that he can’t make a case against his senility, on occasion. As long as he ...
There is a desire by progressives, democrat operatives, party bosses and their lap dogs in the media to suddenly forget all ...
Initially, the Biden team dismissed the debate as just a “bad night,” which should not hinder his ability to run for another ...
This year, this cycle, Republicans wanted to give Trump another bite at the apple, and he’s going to have it, whether or not ...
“The Hindus will never become submissive and obedient until they are reduced to poverty” (attributed to the Sultan of Delhi, ...
Despite the sketchiness of the organization, WPATH’s SOC are considered gospel. And the small cliques of people who control ...