Labour’s refusal to provide safe passages to refugees and migrants has led to more deaths in the English Channel.
The IAF previously held 10 seats in the parliament elected in 2020. The recent election marks the IAF’s largest representation since it gained 22 out of the 80 seats in parliament in 1989. This won’t ...
Labour’s Renters Reform Bill would ban Section 21 fault evictions. But a low-paid worker facing one says it needs to go ...
Some 33,000 workers have walked out on strike at the Boeing plant in Seattle, Washington State, in the United States.
Ben Jamal, director of PSC, spoke to Thomas Foster about why trade unions should be doing more to deepen the Palestine ...
Cheers broke out in the public gallery of Westminster Magistrates Court on Friday after a judge found Marieha Hussain not ...
Supporters of Kwabena Devonish rallied outside the Old Bailey court in central London on Friday to demand the state back off ...
Palestine Action protesters were discharged after their trial for protesting Teledyne, which manufactures electronics used in ...
Keir Starmer’s Labour Party has suffered an embarrassing rebuff in two by-elections in Hackney, east London. In Stoke ...
Renters and housing campaigners came together on Saturday for a Home for All meeting in the immediate aftermath of the ...
Labour plans to use a new report into the state of the health service to drive through a programme of cuts and privatisation.
The Earth Commission report warns that climate change has pushed the planet beyond “safe planetary boundaries”.