Portfóliónk minÅ‘ségi tartalmat jelent minden olvasó számára. Egyedülálló elérést, országos lefedettséget és változatos ...
Hungary did not support Ursula von der Leyen's second term as president because the work of the European Commission has been ...
It is unacceptable that the left wing of the European Parliament in its resolution on Ukraine is once again attacking Hungary ...
Tamas Deutsch, head of the EP delegation of the Fidesz and the co-ruling Christian Democrats, told Hir TV. A Magyar Nemzet ...
In the report compiled by the Austrian authorities, Germans (232,700), Romanians (153,400) and Turks (124,100) top the ranks ...
In an interview with our newspaper, the Hungarian prime minister's politicy chief emphasized that Viktor Orban's plan was on ...
The issue of illegal migration will be kept on the agenda throughout the Hungarian EU presidency, the PM's chief homeland ...
The Hungarian Mandiner news portal interviewed the editor-in-chief of the Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche, who accompanied Hungary ...
This political group has already become much stronger than they feared, or than we had hoped for," Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch ...
Hungary supports NATO's cooperation with the countries in the Indo-Pacific region, but only as long as this does not aim at ...
Finally, a hidden form of foreign funding that is also difficult to detect is chain financing. In the international arena, ...
The views of Hungarians could create a serious dilemma for the opposition Tisza Party, which has joined the left-wing ...