Testbiotech has previously uncovered a number of cases of conflicts of interest in the panel. It has now taken a closer look ...
The scientists found that the total harvest of tomatoes grown with the fertiliser with the higher level of glyphosate residue ...
Three articles challenge proposals to remove safety checks and labelling from new GMOs. Report: Claire Robinson ...
Weiss and Alexander Hissting, Managing Director of the Association Food without Genetic Engineering (Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik, VLOG), conveyed the concerns of the industry initiative ...
In July the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published its opinion on the French health agency ANSES’s evidenced-based position of December 2023, which criticised Annex I of the European ...
Suddenly Jack Bobo is everywhere, with a position at the University of Nottingham apparently created for him. By Jonathan Matthews and Claire Robinson ...
A paywalled article from Tagesspiegel Background, which provides detailed briefings from the German publication Tagesspiegel Magazine on the background to political developments, covers the working ...