Waymo, a self-driving car development company, operates fully self-driving taxi businesses in multiple regions, and has exceeded 22 million miles (about 35.4 million kilometers) in total distance ...
The sixth Reiwa Kamen Rider series is transformed into a bright and pop series with the power of 'sweets.' Murai, a strange high school boy, is in love with his homeroom teacher, Ms. Tanaka.
The Carpenter Pod comes clattering along. There are beer bottles and plates of snacks on the top of the pod, but the pod moves smoothly so the bottles don't swing or tip over. As it got closer, it ...
the SLAC-Stanford Battery Center has published the results of a study on the first charging of lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have a characteristic that their performance and ...
McAfee has pointed out the existence of malicious Android apps that use optical character recognition (OCR) technology to recognize text information displayed on the screen and steal ...
Google's research organization, Google Research, has announced Health Acoustic Representations (HeAR), an AI model that can detect early symptoms of diseases such as tuberculosis by training it on ...
Remarkable Alexa is expected to include features such as AI-generated news summaries, shopping advice for customers, a 'safe and moderated' chatbot for kids, and the ability to carry out more ...
Sep 04, 2024 13:00:00 Over 500 South Korean schools may be 'victims of deepfake porn', police launch Telegram investigation In recent years, with the advancement of AI technology, 'deep fake porn ...
毎日しっかり眠った方がいいと頭ではわかっていても、忙しい平日はつい睡眠時間が短くなってしまい、代わりに休日にたくさん眠っているという人は多いはず。新たな研究では、たとえ平日の睡眠時間が短くても、週末にたくさん眠ることで心臓病のリスクが最大20%低下す ...
標準時の測定やGPSの計算に使われる原子時計は、誤差が数十万年に1秒と非常に高い精度を誇ります。コロラド大学ボルダー校やアメリカ国立標準技術研究所(NIST)、スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校、ウィーン工科大学、ルートヴィヒ・マクシミリアン大学ミュンヘ ...
地球上のあらゆる生物は、細胞内に遺伝子を守る核を持たない単純な細菌、核を持つ複雑な真核生物、核は持たないものの複雑な古細菌の3つにわかれています。人類を含む真核生物がウイルスと戦うために持っている免疫メカニズムは、「ロキの城」と呼ばれる深海の熱水噴出 ...