Electricité du Vietnam (EVN) has received government approval to develop the LNG-fuelled Quang Trach II power unit in central ...
The Japanese government is taking steps to assist companies signing LNG import contracts in an effort to stabilise fuel ...
Japan’s largest utility JERA is considering to invest in a gas power project in Vietnam and potentially ship fuel to the plant under a long-term LNG ...
Aquaterra Energy’s new services for legacy wells and its patent-pending Recoverable Abandonment Frame (RAF) can repurpose ...
Storage participation in Germany’s wholesale power market could lower prices by €1/MWh between 2030 and 2050. By storing ...
Finland’s largest utility Helen Oy has teamed up with MAN Energy Solutions and PEM electrolysis specialist, H-TEC Systems, to ...
Georgia Power has filed for permission to add battery energy storage with a combined capacity of 500 MW, due operational by ...
As the Department of Energy (DOE) issued the first LNG export permit to non-FTA countries following a month-long pause, ...
GE Vernova has launched RESTORE DC Block, a containerized solution for Battery Enabled Energy Storage (BESS). With a capacity ...
Aegle Power’s loan application to develop a 1,292 MW combined-cycle gas power was rejected by the Public Utility Commission ...
Bi-lateral energy ties between Italy and Azerbaijan have been discussed by the Azeri President Ilham Aliyev and the CEO of ...
Egypt’s Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources has entered talks with Israel to boost daily gas imports by 13%, equalling 150 million cubic ...