RSA 664:2 defines “political advertising” as “any communication…which expressly or implicitly advocates the success or defeat of any party, measure, or person at any election.” The term “communication ...
Support The Andover Beacon – Become A Member Today! Like New Hampshire Public Radio or New Hampshire Public Television, The Andover Beacon just puts its “product” out there for free and hopes for the ...
Our usual deadline is the 15th of the month. If, for one reason or another, your photo can’t be ready by the 15th, we need to know by the 15th that the photo will be coming, and when. We prefer ...
There has been flawed messaging that Candidate Deborah Aylward is Candidate Louise Andrus’s opponent and that voters should only vote for Andrus — even though two candidates will be elected for this ...
Please vote to re-elect Incumbent, Deborah Aylward as State Representative. Why? Because I’ve seen her in action, and have no doubts about her abilities to properly serve her constituents in the State ...
ANDOVER – This letter concerns the editorial written by Kim Baer and published in the August Beacon. The signs on Franklin Highway have nothing to do with hate and/or violence, but for an ...
ANDOVER-On behalf of the Board of The Andover Community Hub, our gratitude goes out to those who made The Hub’s recent “Rock, Blues ‘n’ BBQ” event a rousing success: Gail and Pecco Beaufays, owners of ...
Youngsters enjoy Judy Elliot’s tea party. ANDOVER-We built bridges, played with oobleck,talked with firemen and explored their truck, and touched lobsters and creepy crawlies. Three young ladies ...
Hunter participates in a Squid Dissection workshop through the UNH Marine Docents program. The library hosted this event in August for children in the community, as well as students from AE/MS and ...
Construction is underway due to the work and generous support of Jon Champagne, R. Smith and JR (Boomer) Hazen. Pictured here is recent site preparation for the Barn. The Andover Historical Society ...
DJ Rankins, 2019 graduate of Proctor and 2023 graduate of Stonehill College, Massachusetts. Andover – On July 30, Donald DJ Rankins, Jr., of Concord, took the USAF oath of enlistment before departing ...
Maverick with his parents, Shawna and Jake. The shelf behind them has approximately 800 books, so he’s read even more than that!