Members of a Japanese religious movement carve out happy lives in small-town Colorado in this short documentary ...
is professor of economics at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in Stockholm, Sweden. He is the author of Richer and More Equal (2024).
While the small northern Italian city of Cremona is considered the world’s cultural centre for the production of stringed instruments, this video from the YouTube channel ProcessX shows that there is ...
is professor of politics and philosophy at the University of Sydney in Australia. His latest book is Liberalism as a Way of Life (2024). Still waters can run deep, however, and from archival research ...
‘Saviour siblings’ are children who are conceived so that they might provide a transplant to an older sibling with a life-threatening illness. While such cases are a medical rarity, they raise ...
The feature-length documentary North Putnam follows a year at a public school district in rural Indiana, chronicling the many ways in which community and education intersect in this small slice of the ...
In February 1884, the English art critic and polymath John Ruskin took the lectern at the London Institution for a pair of lectures on the weather. ‘The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century’ was his ...
is associate fellow of the School of Media, Arts and Humanities at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK. He is an editor and journalist, and the author of Behind the Privet Hedge: Richard Sudell, ...
Since creating the Old Lesbian Oral Herstory Project in 1998, Arden Eversmeyer has travelled across the US to collect more than 800 stories of lesbian women over the age of 70, as told in their own ...
The cool red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, which is located some 40 light-years from Earth, was first discovered in 1999. Its seven known exoplanets, which are all close to Earth-like in size, were ...
is associate professor of health informatics at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden, and research affiliate at the Division of Digital Psychiatry, Beth Israel ...