Michael Popok suggested the recent Title IX decision from SCOTUS will play in the Democrat's favor come November.
Vice President Kamala Harris warned voters in Georgia that former President Donald Trump would face no checks or balances and ...
There is absolutely nothing in the text of the Constitution which grants a president immunity from criminal prosecution, a ...
Patty Ferguson-Bohnee said the ruling could cause confusion among Native American voters and community organizations.
The 57-year-old Florida man, convicted in the 1994 killing of a college student, had argued that lethal injection would cause ...
A Supreme Court ruling that allows communities to ban sleeping outdoors may also push unhoused veterans into the shadows, ...
For the Supreme Court to decide to take-up a case, at least four justices must vote affirmatively (thus, at least four out of ...
Advocates say allowing people who were abused years ago to sue is needed. Critics say it is hurting today’s children.
Hillyer: Common sense election integrity laws have been under attack from the political left. Thankfully, the Supreme Court ...