As urban centers in mountainous regions grow, more people are driven to build on steeper slopes prone to slow-moving ...
The fruit flies that hover around the apples on your counter have to navigate a cluttered environment to find that food, from ...
Findings from the SIGNIFIED study, run by The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and supported by funding from The Royal ...
As we age, our bones lose density and become more fragile, putting us in danger of breaks and fractures. This is especially a ...
Damage to non-coding DNA accumulates more in slowly proliferating tissues, contributing to different rates of aging across ...
A team has created a chemical process that uses sunlight to transform methane and carbon dioxide into green methanol and ...
Freshwater oysters produce an adhesive that may hold the secret to developing more environmentally friendly glues with ...
Researchers have identified how the HIV drug Efavirenz causes neuropsychiatric disorders and neurocognitive impairment, ...
A new type of organic light emitting diode could replace bulky night vision goggles with lightweight glasses, making them ...
A new long-term study into long COVID has investigated how a certain population of white blood cells, called memory T cells, ...
A new method analyzes wastewater to identify sources of harmful bacteria and antimicrobial resistance. The study enhances ...
Researchers found that sphingolipids, rather than serving solely as energy sources, are critical for cancer cells to evade ...