We are living in a time of moral reckoning with the past. Beyond Confederate monuments and memorials, people are also reevaluating the work, beliefs and reputations of progressive figures.
Former Seattle City Councilmember Tim Burgess and a bevy of business groups are tired of the tents. They have a vision: The city should, very quickly, create a lot of new shelter or housing.
A huge, ribbed column of Western red cedar rises from the cushioned forest floor through dappled sunlight into a canopy of branches. Nearby stands another giant cedar. And another. You couldn't ...
Not only OB-GYNs, but young doctors in all specialties are opting to live and work where there are fewer restrictions on reproductive health care. Seventeen months after the Supreme Court decision ...
It is hard to imagine the Northwest without wilderness and outdoor recreation — mountain ranges to climb and trails to hike. These recreations exist due to the hard work and advocacy of many ...
Crosscut published more than 40 stories on job safety, housing instability, police and business aid. Read our top and most impactful reporting. As a statewide reporting team, we continued to seek ...
As the midterms draw to a close, two strategists and an elected leader discuss how our two major parties gain — and wield — political control.
The landscapes and forests of the Pacific Northwest influence and impact so many who have lived here or traveled through. This place is alive. It speaks. It vibrates. For some, it’s a spiritual ...
While the Twin Cities burn, it should not be lost on us that Seattle, also liberal, also majority-white, suffers from its own troubling history of segregation and police violence. A federal judge ...
The pink elephant is migrating. The playful pachyderm, whose rotating, neon-lit bulk was a beacon for countless commuters stuck in gridlock traffic on Denny Way, is being pushed out of its natural ...
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Founder, The Jane Goodall Institute; U. N. Messenger of Peac ...