Republicans speaking at a concealed carry event on Tuesday, just days after a gunman attempted to kill their presidential nominee, insisted the party won’t change its stance on Second Amendment rights.
The visuals of a defiant Donald Trump—pumping his fist in the air, with blood on his face—being rushed off the stage by the Secret Service after an "assassination attempt" have
Day two of the Republican National Convention focused on safety in America, including securing the southern border and criticizing what Republicans say is a “soft on crime approach” to law enforcement.
Republicans speaking at a concealed carry event on Tuesday, just days after a gunman attempted to kill their presidential nominee, insisted the party won’t change its stance on Second Amendment rights.
Milwaukee residents talk to ABC News about being undecided about who they will vote for in 2024, and what they are looking for from a presidential candidate.
Warren told host Stephen Colbert. She said believes the Republican Party should embrace gun safety legislation and an assault weapons ban following the attempted assassination on Trump earlier this week.
U.S. Rep. Mary Miller, leader of the Illinois RNC delegation, says Trump could do better in Illinois if he wasn’t ‘demonized’ by the media.
The leading Democratic candidates for Missouri governor emphasized different ideas to combat gun violence during a debate this past weekend, with House Minority Leader Crystal Quade calling for more local control over firearms – a priority of Kansas City leaders.
The RNC platform says the party supports access to IVF and birth control. Whatley sought to assuage any concerns ... “That’s the way it is for everything – even gun rights, they’re different by state because that’s how it was meant to be.”
Susan Zhuang, a first-year City Council member from Brooklyn, was charged with assault for biting a police officer. Democrats are split over how harshly to reprimand her.