Scientists have explored how changes in sea surface temperatures during the Cretaceous influenced the diversification and ...
Sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years, appearing in the fossil record before trees even existed. But what did they evolve from, are they 'living fossils', and how did they survive ...
But to find that complexity, we must take the lessons of the boring billion to heart. Planets are not just a stage on which ...
The heaviest great hammerhead shark ever recorded weighed a whopping 1280 pounds.” The great hammerhead shark is found in a ...
The great white shark, the hammerhead and other “pelagic” sharks owe their status as the ocean’s top predators to a sustained bout of global warming 93 million years ago, a study has found.
The only part of a shark's skeleton not made of cartilage is their teeth, which they're famous for. Since cartilage is softer than bone and teeth, it doesn’t fossilise very well. But we’ve learned a ...
The most interesting traits found in sharks are possibly their ability to adapt through evolution. Over millions of years, sharks have developed a range of physical and behavioral features that ...
Party leaders have spent much of the past six days dissecting what went wrong. Now they’re pitching their vision for the ...
but Sophia tells me confidently that evolution "basically means engineering". And Jack says that sharks are lighter underneath so that "when the sun is on the sea, you can't really see the sharks".
For example, how would a scientist figure out evolutionary relationships between sharks, dolphins and wolves? Two fishy-looking animals and a four-legged, furry one. First we need to find the ...
For the first time in the school’s history, New College is offering a course in “wokeness.” The ‘Woke’ Movement — offered as ...
How exactly do you film a high-speed underwater shark chase with state-of-the-art wildlife camera equipment? This was a ...