Thorin — nicknamed after a dwarf in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" — is also called the "last Neanderthal" because he may ...
Researchers uncover the DNA of Neanderthal "Thorin," revealing genetic isolation and inbreeding within his group.
Discover new clues about how our ancient relatives disappeared from time.
Sharing the name of a legendary dwarf in J. R. R. Tolkien's classic fantasy novel "The Hobbit," a Neanderthal now known as ...
A fossil Neanderthal named for a Tolkien character indicates that geographically close groups of the ancient humans didn't ...
A new study supports the idea that Neanderthals likely went extinct because of how they lived — in isolation. The early human ...
Analysis of DNA from a Neanderthal fossil found in a French cave indicates that it belonged to a group that was isolated for ...
A long-running argument between archaeologists and geneticists has finally been settled - and the answer could help explain ...
DNA from a partial skeleton found in France indicates that European Neandertals consisted of at least two genetically distinct populations.
DNA from a Neanderthal fossil in France has revealed a previously unknown lineage that remained isolated for thousands of years.
A new genetic analysis revealed that Thorin’s community was isolated from other groups and diverged from more well-studied ...
“The genetics was sure the Neanderthal we called Thorin was 105,000 years old. But we knew by (the specimen’s) archaeological ...