Florida Supreme Court heard arguments in what could be last ditch bid by voter rights organizations to overturn congressional ...
Two court cases present the justices on Florida's Supreme Court with significant questions about executive power ...
The victim – who worked in the Warrens’ home – told police that the couple sexually battered her after they returned from a ...
Amendment 4 states that “no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to ...
Amendment 4 does generate special engagement on our part,” said the Archdiocese. “No one is surprised that abortion has long ...
Florida rushed to include the gun-buying age restriction in a school-safety bill after Nikolas Cruz, who was 19 at the time, ...
The Supreme Court is being inundated with emergency appeals targeting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules and ...
Black Votes Matter” claims when the legislature passed the map, it removed a minority access congressional district in North ...
Large majorities of Americans favor term limits, a mandatory retirement age, and a formal ethics code for the U.S. Supreme ...
The Florida governor muscled through a map two years ago that helped Republicans net four House seats in the state.
Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz questioned if nondiminishment requirements make it impossible to craft a constitutional map.
The Florida Supreme Court’s conservative majority revealed the high stakes for minority voting rights Thursday as justices ...