I have sworn to protect ALL citizens of my County,' Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski wrote, even as he doubled down on prior remarks against those with Harris yard signs.
The Portage County NAACP has called an emergency meeting after a post by the Portage county sheriff has brought up voter ...
In a Facebook post on Saturday, Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski asked residents to write down the addresses of people ...
The Portage County sheriiff's controversial post prompted residents to file complaints with local, state and national ...
The Portage County NAACP has released a statement on a Facebook post from Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski, calling his ...
Public discourse has devolved to a dangerous degree as we approach another general election in November — that’s not news. But what is noteworthy is the manner in which public officials who SHOULD be ...
Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski's Friday the 13th frightening Facebook post targeted Vice President Kamala Harris and ...
Bruce Zuchowski's recent Facebook post has left residents feeling threatened and scared. This is unacceptable for a leader ...
Zuchowski previously called for people to 'write down all the addresses of the people' with Kamala Harris yard signs. He ...