Some US senators have been caught stoking US interference toward disputes in the South China Sea between China and the ...
Risch and Wicker asked Biden in their letter to "respond with visible and concrete demonstrations" of the US' support to the ...
Unlike the 100,000-ton U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, the 70,000-ton Shandong is not equipped with catapults for launching ...
China anchored one of its two “monster” coast guard ships inside the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) last week ...
The Philippines and China have agreed to set up new lines of communication to improve their handling of maritime disputes ...
China's Ministry of Public Security announced on Thursday that it has immediately initiated law enforcement cooperation ...
The Philippines and China’s communication mechanism on the South China Sea would soon extend to the two states’ presidential ...
China and Russia have started a joint drill in the South China Sea following an exercise that simulated the search and arrest ...